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Make Your Pledge to Net Zero...

To make a Pledge to Net Zero, please complete the short details form below by 2nd February 2025. It is completely free to sign up and you will be contacted upon completion of the form to get the ball rolling. For further guidance on the process involved in making a Pledge, please visit our Guidance web page

IMPORTANT: After you have submitted your pledge via the form below, the pledge team will be in touch. Please don't communicate your pledge until you have received written confirmation from the pledge team. If you don't receive this confirmation within 3 weeks, please first check your spam/ junk folders and if you can't find this confirmation, please get in touch. 

To avoid any email correspondence going into spam, we encourage you to add the email addresses and to your 'safe senders' list. Find out more on how to do this here.


By making the Pledge, your organisation is committing to:

1.    Set and commit to deliver greenhouse gas reductions in line with Science Based Targets’ 1.5°C climate change scenario.  For those in the environmental consultancy sector it must cover buildings and travel as a minimum.  
2.    Publicly report greenhouse gas emissions and progress against this target each year.
3.    Publish one piece of research/thought-leadership each year on practical steps to delivering an economy in line with climate science and in support of net zero carbon. Alternatively, signatories may choose to provide mentoring and support for smaller signatory companies in setting targets, reporting and meeting the requirements of the pledge.

Race to Zero

Race to Zero is a group of more than 11,000 non-governmental organisations and you can join this for free through Pledge To Net Zero.  Membership is available through Pledge To Net Zero subject to meeting three additional requirements, listed below. Please do not assume that by becoming a signatory of the pledge you have automatically joined the Race to Zero. 
1.    Plan  – within 12 months of joining, publicly disclose a transition plan which sets out how your organisation will deliver your 2030 carbon targets 
2.    Process – you need to be taking fast action to meet your carbon targets (your targets should cover scopes 1, 2 and 3 emissions)
3.    Persuade – within 12 months of joining, align external policy and engagement including association membership to the goal of halving emissions by 2030 and net zero by 2050. This includes proactively supporting climate policies at the subnational and national level consistent with the Race to Zero criteria.

Guidance Documents

For guidance on making your pledge, please visit our Guidance web page.

Background information about the Pledge and the Net Zero target can be found here >

Free webinar recording









Details of the main point of contact, plus back-up email address, for your organisation:


Details of a member of your organisation who will be endorsing the Pledge to Net Zero commitment. This person should hold either an executive team or board member level position


Please tell us how you found out about Pledge to Net Zero in the box below.


Thank you for submitting a Pledge to Net Zero!


What Happens Next?

Once you have submitted your form, we will be in touch soon to confirm your pledge and next steps. Please see the information at the top of this webpage on how to ensure this email arrives in your inbox. 

Please hold off on any external communications until the pledge team have been in touch to confirm your pledge. 

Organisations who have signed up to the pledge will be asked to report back on their progress every twelve months.



More information on how we use the data submitted in this form can be found here.


‘Pledge to Net Zero’ is the environmental industry’s global commitment, requiring science-based targets from its signatories to tackle greenhouse gas emissions within their organisations.


The pledge recognises the need for those in the environmental sector to demonstrate leadership and take strong actions to mitigate the most significant impacts of climate change. Join with us to showcase your commitment in what is a crucial year for climate action. Find out more >

The Pledge To Net Zero initiative is a partner to the UN’s Race to Zero campaign. More info >

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